Thursday, April 23, 2015


Just outside my window
While it's still dark
I hear the Muslim call to prayer
I hear roosters cockadoodles
I hear birds chirping
I hear monkey noises 
As the sun starts to break through
I hear cars starting
Gates opening 
And more birds
I woke up to a loud crash and
My puppy barking

Just outside my window there are two million people 

To pray for
To meet
To love

I don't know how many are hearing the same noises I am 
But I pray that today that I and all of them hear the voice of the one, true God.

"Be still..."
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying..."


This week I heard and saw many needs from women who are from near and faraway

Needing to not feel alone
Needing to feel again
Needing shelter
Needing provision
Needing work
Needing food
Needing rest
Needing to live
Needing freedom
Needing reconciliation
Needing water
Needing salvation
Needing to not lean on their own understanding
Needing to rebuke evil
Needing to be slow to anger
Needing calm
Needing rescue
Needing protection
Needing to be safe
Needing nourishment
Needing exhortation
Needing to be edified
Needing repentance
Needing forgiveness
Needing laughter
Needing hugs
Needing to deny self
Needing health and wellness and healing
Needing to not be hindered any longer
Needing to be unafraid
Needing rest
Needing clothes
Needing transportation
Needing to know that newness comes from God
Needing to know scriptures
Needing faith
Needing hope
Needing love.

And I thank God for revealing to me that He truly provides more than we ever need. 


"Cast thy burdens upon the Lord and He will sustain thee..."

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


New friends today in Uganda.
New friends to greet with smiles and open arms.
New friends to worship alongside to new songs and new rhythms.
New friends living in new places about the city.
New friends to hold hands and pray for and with.
New friends standing up amongst the believers to preach about the new, tender mercies of God.
New friends exhorting new mommies to good works to nourish their babies with great care and safety.
New friends who radiate Christ and simply love others, not for applause or recognition but because they are His.  
New friends to smile with and laugh with and be grateful for--
New mommy expecting her new fourth baby, extending her hands to me asking in her heavy accent if I will be her new friend.
"Yes, I would love too."
"And them? I want them to be my new friends too, please" as she points to my best friends who I once was pregnant with and praying for before I ever knew their faces, my all grown up daughters,
"Yes, and of course," I reply, "they would love to be your new friends too."

Thankful for Friends of God and Friends of mine, everywhere. 

"A friend loveth at all times..."

Friday, April 10, 2015


Not in my nationality 
Not in my race
Not in my culture
Not in my ministry name
Not in my affiliations
Not in my age
Not in my appearance 
Not in my style
Not in my possessions 
Not in my performance
Not in my illness
Not in my dis ease
Not in my wellness, willingness or welfare
Not in the applause or scrutiny of others
Not in my family name
Not in my education
Not in my resume
Not in my mistakes
Not in my victories
Not in my marital status
Not in my abilities
Not in my challenges
Not in my birth
Not in my labor
Not in my parenting
Not in my job title
Not in my to do list
Not in my past
Not in my agenda
Not in my address
Not in my credit score
Not in my finances
Not in my real estate
Not in my gym membership
Not in my talents
Not in my yesterday's
Not in my tomorrows.

No, My Identity is found in Christ
God is not a respecter of persons. 

"Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it..."

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I got to attend my first birth here in Africa on Good Friday.
As I gathered with new friends and a Spirit Filled Family in a local private hospital, I couldn't help but wonder how the Lord put us all together.
It was as if we had known each other for a long time however it has only been weeks and most of the family I met that day.
There is something about birth that does that. You get to know people really quick in an intimate way that many don't experience in lifelong friendships or even among relatives. And, I'm not talking about the intimacy with the parents necessarily, but about the rest of the family who surrounds them.
I think that is just one of the many reasons why being a birth doula is so special to me. I love real relationships and you can't fake feelings when it has to do with birth!
There were tears of joy and prayers and hands held as hearts were trusting God and a beautiful baby entered into a loving family.
I heard testimonies of God's faithfulness during birth from other women and shared testimonies of Gods sovereignty and grace.
That part of this experience I will forever cherish and it felt just like the other births I've attended in the States. The new parts are unforgettable as well and I'll try and write a bit about here- briefly...
I traveled across my city in the dark to an unknown address by a private hire car, despite the terrorist threats permeating our city. That, is new.
I didn't have my doula partner Karen beside me who usually goes with me but I knew she would be praying without ceasing nine thousand miles away. Her prayers I can always count on but her being so far away I haven't gotten used too yet. That is new.

I traveled later to the hospital with daddy to be driving through streets unfamiliar to me and while at a stop light had my window rolled down with a homeless mother wearing her baby reaching into my car begging for help while mommy to be was laboring in back seat. I will never forget that. Too many emotions to describe, even still, days later. New feelings I can't adequately describe- impaled again with compassion and yes, that was new.

The hospital was quiet and I quickly smiled at everyone I met. Not because I was nervous but rather because I knew God was up to something beyond a birth of a baby- and I didn't know what it was- I think I do now, Maybe-
Maybe He wanted to show me that I'm His and 
Maybe He wanted to remind me that without a doubt I am supposed to be here (Africa) because pretty much everyone welcomed me and told me how glad they were I was there,
Maybe He wanted to stretch my faith because I didn't have internet (forgot my hot spot) and it was just me and Him, not me and my Rudy or me and my girls, just me and Him, 
Maybe He wanted to remind me that all the promises I share with others I am just beginning to learn in new, stronger ways,
Maybe He wanted to teach me again to speak softly, in love and without fear to generations of people who had soft hearts, His words, not mine,
Maybe He wanted my heart to be so overwhelmed at the sight of new parents trusting JESUS for their first baby or maybe, just maybe, He wanted a beautiful young lady to watch and listen throughout the afternoon to what He was doing through all of us believing in Him that she ended up recommitting her life to Christ right there in the waiting room.
He wanted His glory to be seen.
He wanted her to be His and He wanted to show me that He is able and always beckoning us towards Him, that being a doula is so much less about being beside and serving a mother and so much more about Him being by our side as we serve Him.
Yes, birth. 
As we say in the doula world, "a lot more than a baby comes out at birth."
When it was all over and my family arrived to pick me up in the dark of night beneath lightning skies, I told an auntie how grateful I was to be there with them on Good Friday. 
 And she smiled and again thanked me and said, "do you hear? Do you hear what everyone in the hospital is saying about you?"
"No, what are they saying?"
"They are calling you the Praying Mzungu!"

I've been called many things in many places by many people. 
But this, "the praying white person"  I'll take it- with a glad and sincere heart.

"And the Angels rejoice..."

Friday, April 3, 2015


To righteousness
To greater faith
To more love
To repentance
To fearless speaking
To worship

When you get an opportunity to minister in your calling 

How much money you make
How much sleep you get
How much it costs you
Doesn't matter.

Don't miss your calling.

"Be ready in season and out of season..."
