Friday, May 29, 2015

It is good.

These past six days I've seen miracles.
They have come in subtle and powerful ways.

I try to write but stop short, every time.
I think God wants me to hide them in my heart. 
He will let me know when to speak about them  or write or shout them.

I'm not seeking signs or wonders.
I'm believing with faith unswerving  and they are following.

Have you gotten to that place, friends?
Because it's time to stop playing. 
It's time to stop pretending.
It's time to stop doubting.
It just is...

It's time to believe 
and be restored 
and hope 
and holdfast to the things of God.

The multitudes are waiting.
They are in desperate need.
They are like sheep having no shepherd.
They are tired, hurting, lonely, scattered, orphaned, sick, afraid, without shelter, without clothing, without food, water, in prison, in distress and are widowed....

And yet, i think about the multitude who have all those missing things like rest, health, husbands, houses, peace, friends, safety, food, water, family and still aren't satisfied or content, aren't  sharing, doing, giving, going. 

And sometimes I wonder...
Who are the sheep without a shepherd?
Who are the least of these?
I ask my American friends and they seem to have an answer. 
I ask my African friends and they have a different answer. 
I ask myself and I have no answers. 

Whatever it is the Lord is teaching me through what I've seen Him do these past six days has ruined me again for the things of Him. 
And, that's all I have to say about that.
For now. 

"JESUS wept."
"My heart is steadfast..."

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Here and There

Human Child Sacrifices

Some may call it house help
Some would call it slavery

Small daily portions of food, just enough
This way of eating would be a Detox/cleanse

Multiple wives 
Divorce, remarriage, divorce, remarriage 

Guns, everywhere
No open carry or concealed carry 

Dressing modestly is the normal
Modesty? What? Are you a nun?

Everyone says hello and smiles and wants to know your name and shakes hands and hugs and even curtsy sometimes 
Everyone is plugged into a smart phone and doesn't want to talk to anyone else in person- 

Preachers, everywhere
Preach the gospel but don't use words

Freedom means Christ 
Freedom reigns 
(but doesn't mean Christ for many)

Families have been tortured and killed for Christ
People made fun of, disliked, slandered and call it persecution

Disease goes untreated for lack of access to medical care
Dis ease goes untreated for lack of compassion 

Fear of terrorism

JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life
JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life

Whether you're Here or There,
Call upon the name of JESUS
Endure, friends.
Holdfast, friends.

"Cast thy burdens upon the Lord and He will sustain thee..."

"Do not conform to this world..."
"Love others as if your life depended on it.."

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Daily to do:

Wash yourself clean.
Take your evil deeds out of His sight.
Stop doing wrong.
Learn to do right.
Seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless.
Plead the case of the widow.

"We make plans, God orders our steps..."

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Uniquely Woven

Yesterday the headlines in the newspaper said that Uganda was ranked 141 out of 179 of the best countries to give birth or be a mother. Think about that for a second. America is ranked 33. Norway, first.
What does this mean to me and why would I even share this?
Well, because there are some beautiful people here in Uganda supported by some beautiful people in America who are willing to be moved from awareness to action. They have welcomed our family with open hearts and arms to come alongside and support their efforts to lead people to the ONE who changes hearts and minds back to Hope and love, JESUS Christ.
Yesterday we got to witness miracles.
Over 100 pregnant ladies receiving bibles, food, prayer. 
All of us standing together- beside each other- to hear the word preached by Holy Ghost filled people. There were salvations and baby dedications and hands lifted in praise and hearts reconciled to God.  And it wasn't about a ministry name or place. It was His people from many different languages, cultures, places, congregations, backgrounds, ministries, talents, giftings all uniquely woven together.

Sometimes I see so many pointing fingers online at others- 
But sometimes I see so many pointing fingers in the air, giving glory to God. 
These are the Superheroes of faith that God continues to bring into my life.
Some of  them have names like Natalie, Isabelle, Peter, Emma, Edith, Eva, Barbara, Kelly, Jalina, Joy, Malia, Leighton, Emily, Amy, Maggie and over one hundred others.
But, if you ask any one of them, they care more about making the name JESUS known more than themselves. 
And that is something I am blessed to be a part of. 


Saturday, May 2, 2015

11 weeks

We left Cali 11 weeks ago, today

We left 
A happy home
A peaceful community
A lot of comfort
A familiar life
A routine schedule

We found here in Kampala

A beautiful home
A new puppy
A magnificent view
A powerful thunderstorm
A loud city

Some things have changed.

Some things have remained.

We have seen

It's only been eleven weeks. 
That's just 77 days.

"A day is like a thousand days..."