Friday, July 3, 2015

Lost and Found

Living outside of America for almost half of this year, I've been thinking about how God is molding me, shaping me, what I've lost and what I've found...

I have lost vain opinions about how I and other people should live, love, look, work, play, serve, worship, speak, drive, eat, dress, shop, save, spend, birth, learn, parent, help, plan, pray.

And I have found calm in a region used to conflict; peace in a city known for chaos; hope on a continent known for disease; satisfaction in a place of hunger; kindness in a country known for terrorism; love and friendship- from street kids, orphans, missionaries, refugees, men, women, pastors, preachers, couples, teenagers, children living in slums, on compounds, working in restaurants, for NGO's and on street corners, all from different parts of the world all gathered here for such a time as this. My life has been changed, forever and ever, amen. 
I don't think returning back to America will be easy for me as we have made friends here who are like family and the thought of leaving them brings us to tears. I asked my husband what he thought it may be like for me and how has he been able to transition back after having traveled out of the USA and served in now, over fifty countries.
He said, "it will be frustrating for you at first, for sure, but you will be okay, pray through it."

As he took my hand and smiled I knew at that moment that I've started to gain a glimpse into the man God gave me to marry and a peek into what he has seen all these years of how the rest of the world actually lives... Something that I've known to be true and hasn't changed from coming here is that there  is ONLY ONE WAY--- and His name is JESUS and His grace is sufficient. 

When I get off the airplane and my feet hit the ground in America, I have confidence knowing in my heart that He who has begun a good work in me will see to it to complete it... And I know this is just the beginning of the rest of our happyeverafter...
It's a big, small world and there is much work to do and many people to meet and learn, love and serve, pray and worship my young friend from Bolivia told me, "there is America and Canada and then there is the rest of the world."

I'm excited, I'm expectant and I'm ready. This isn't a goodbye or ending to our life in Africa, no, this is just the beginning and so friends, near and far, we will see you all soon. <3 thank you for laying down your lives and loving us and so many others as if your lives depend on it. 
Stay dangerous and be careful for nothing. 

"Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it..."
"I am the way, the truth and the life.."