Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What matters

One year ago my husband boarded a plane to be an ebola fighter in Liberia, Africa.
It mattered to God that he went.
It mattered to him that he went.
It mattered to me that he went.
It mattered to the people of this planet that he went.
We trusted.
We hoped.
We believed. 

A year later I find myself after traveling across the world and back asking God 
what matters now?
I'm still trusting.
I'm still hoping.
I'm still believing. 

"Be still and know that I am God..."

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Twenty thousand miles

By air and by car we have covered twenty thousand miles since mid July. 
What am I seeing?
Familiar places.

What am I hearing?
Familiar burdens.

What am I learning?
Familiar lessons.

What am I praying?
Not to let familiarity take hold of living an extraordinary life. 

"Whoever loses his life will find it..."

Friday, July 3, 2015

Lost and Found

Living outside of America for almost half of this year, I've been thinking about how God is molding me, shaping me, what I've lost and what I've found...

I have lost vain opinions about how I and other people should live, love, look, work, play, serve, worship, speak, drive, eat, dress, shop, save, spend, birth, learn, parent, help, plan, pray.

And I have found calm in a region used to conflict; peace in a city known for chaos; hope on a continent known for disease; satisfaction in a place of hunger; kindness in a country known for terrorism; love and friendship- from street kids, orphans, missionaries, refugees, men, women, pastors, preachers, couples, teenagers, children living in slums, on compounds, working in restaurants, for NGO's and on street corners, all from different parts of the world all gathered here for such a time as this. My life has been changed, forever and ever, amen. 
I don't think returning back to America will be easy for me as we have made friends here who are like family and the thought of leaving them brings us to tears. I asked my husband what he thought it may be like for me and how has he been able to transition back after having traveled out of the USA and served in now, over fifty countries.
He said, "it will be frustrating for you at first, for sure, but you will be okay, pray through it."

As he took my hand and smiled I knew at that moment that I've started to gain a glimpse into the man God gave me to marry and a peek into what he has seen all these years of how the rest of the world actually lives... Something that I've known to be true and hasn't changed from coming here is that there  is ONLY ONE WAY--- and His name is JESUS and His grace is sufficient. 

When I get off the airplane and my feet hit the ground in America, I have confidence knowing in my heart that He who has begun a good work in me will see to it to complete it... And I know this is just the beginning of the rest of our happyeverafter...
It's a big, small world and there is much work to do and many people to meet and learn, love and serve, pray and worship my young friend from Bolivia told me, "there is America and Canada and then there is the rest of the world."

I'm excited, I'm expectant and I'm ready. This isn't a goodbye or ending to our life in Africa, no, this is just the beginning and so friends, near and far, we will see you all soon. <3 thank you for laying down your lives and loving us and so many others as if your lives depend on it. 
Stay dangerous and be careful for nothing. 

"Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it..."
"I am the way, the truth and the life.."

Monday, June 15, 2015

Stand forth

When things are 


Stand forth or don't.

"Not the cowardly... Shall inherit the kingdom of heaven..."

Friday, May 29, 2015

It is good.

These past six days I've seen miracles.
They have come in subtle and powerful ways.

I try to write but stop short, every time.
I think God wants me to hide them in my heart. 
He will let me know when to speak about them  or write or shout them.

I'm not seeking signs or wonders.
I'm believing with faith unswerving  and they are following.

Have you gotten to that place, friends?
Because it's time to stop playing. 
It's time to stop pretending.
It's time to stop doubting.
It just is...

It's time to believe 
and be restored 
and hope 
and holdfast to the things of God.

The multitudes are waiting.
They are in desperate need.
They are like sheep having no shepherd.
They are tired, hurting, lonely, scattered, orphaned, sick, afraid, without shelter, without clothing, without food, water, in prison, in distress and are widowed....

And yet, i think about the multitude who have all those missing things like rest, health, husbands, houses, peace, friends, safety, food, water, family and still aren't satisfied or content, aren't  sharing, doing, giving, going. 

And sometimes I wonder...
Who are the sheep without a shepherd?
Who are the least of these?
I ask my American friends and they seem to have an answer. 
I ask my African friends and they have a different answer. 
I ask myself and I have no answers. 

Whatever it is the Lord is teaching me through what I've seen Him do these past six days has ruined me again for the things of Him. 
And, that's all I have to say about that.
For now. 

"JESUS wept."
"My heart is steadfast..."

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Here and There

Human Child Sacrifices

Some may call it house help
Some would call it slavery

Small daily portions of food, just enough
This way of eating would be a Detox/cleanse

Multiple wives 
Divorce, remarriage, divorce, remarriage 

Guns, everywhere
No open carry or concealed carry 

Dressing modestly is the normal
Modesty? What? Are you a nun?

Everyone says hello and smiles and wants to know your name and shakes hands and hugs and even curtsy sometimes 
Everyone is plugged into a smart phone and doesn't want to talk to anyone else in person- 

Preachers, everywhere
Preach the gospel but don't use words

Freedom means Christ 
Freedom reigns 
(but doesn't mean Christ for many)

Families have been tortured and killed for Christ
People made fun of, disliked, slandered and call it persecution

Disease goes untreated for lack of access to medical care
Dis ease goes untreated for lack of compassion 

Fear of terrorism

JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life
JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life

Whether you're Here or There,
Call upon the name of JESUS
Endure, friends.
Holdfast, friends.

"Cast thy burdens upon the Lord and He will sustain thee..."

"Do not conform to this world..."
"Love others as if your life depended on it.."

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Daily to do:

Wash yourself clean.
Take your evil deeds out of His sight.
Stop doing wrong.
Learn to do right.
Seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless.
Plead the case of the widow.

"We make plans, God orders our steps..."

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Uniquely Woven

Yesterday the headlines in the newspaper said that Uganda was ranked 141 out of 179 of the best countries to give birth or be a mother. Think about that for a second. America is ranked 33. Norway, first.
What does this mean to me and why would I even share this?
Well, because there are some beautiful people here in Uganda supported by some beautiful people in America who are willing to be moved from awareness to action. They have welcomed our family with open hearts and arms to come alongside and support their efforts to lead people to the ONE who changes hearts and minds back to Hope and love, JESUS Christ.
Yesterday we got to witness miracles.
Over 100 pregnant ladies receiving bibles, food, prayer. 
All of us standing together- beside each other- to hear the word preached by Holy Ghost filled people. There were salvations and baby dedications and hands lifted in praise and hearts reconciled to God.  And it wasn't about a ministry name or place. It was His people from many different languages, cultures, places, congregations, backgrounds, ministries, talents, giftings all uniquely woven together.

Sometimes I see so many pointing fingers online at others- 
But sometimes I see so many pointing fingers in the air, giving glory to God. 
These are the Superheroes of faith that God continues to bring into my life.
Some of  them have names like Natalie, Isabelle, Peter, Emma, Edith, Eva, Barbara, Kelly, Jalina, Joy, Malia, Leighton, Emily, Amy, Maggie and over one hundred others.
But, if you ask any one of them, they care more about making the name JESUS known more than themselves. 
And that is something I am blessed to be a part of. 


Saturday, May 2, 2015

11 weeks

We left Cali 11 weeks ago, today

We left 
A happy home
A peaceful community
A lot of comfort
A familiar life
A routine schedule

We found here in Kampala

A beautiful home
A new puppy
A magnificent view
A powerful thunderstorm
A loud city

Some things have changed.

Some things have remained.

We have seen

It's only been eleven weeks. 
That's just 77 days.

"A day is like a thousand days..."

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Just outside my window
While it's still dark
I hear the Muslim call to prayer
I hear roosters cockadoodles
I hear birds chirping
I hear monkey noises 
As the sun starts to break through
I hear cars starting
Gates opening 
And more birds
I woke up to a loud crash and
My puppy barking

Just outside my window there are two million people 

To pray for
To meet
To love

I don't know how many are hearing the same noises I am 
But I pray that today that I and all of them hear the voice of the one, true God.

"Be still..."
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying..."


This week I heard and saw many needs from women who are from near and faraway

Needing to not feel alone
Needing to feel again
Needing shelter
Needing provision
Needing work
Needing food
Needing rest
Needing to live
Needing freedom
Needing reconciliation
Needing water
Needing salvation
Needing to not lean on their own understanding
Needing to rebuke evil
Needing to be slow to anger
Needing calm
Needing rescue
Needing protection
Needing to be safe
Needing nourishment
Needing exhortation
Needing to be edified
Needing repentance
Needing forgiveness
Needing laughter
Needing hugs
Needing to deny self
Needing health and wellness and healing
Needing to not be hindered any longer
Needing to be unafraid
Needing rest
Needing clothes
Needing transportation
Needing to know that newness comes from God
Needing to know scriptures
Needing faith
Needing hope
Needing love.

And I thank God for revealing to me that He truly provides more than we ever need. 


"Cast thy burdens upon the Lord and He will sustain thee..."

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


New friends today in Uganda.
New friends to greet with smiles and open arms.
New friends to worship alongside to new songs and new rhythms.
New friends living in new places about the city.
New friends to hold hands and pray for and with.
New friends standing up amongst the believers to preach about the new, tender mercies of God.
New friends exhorting new mommies to good works to nourish their babies with great care and safety.
New friends who radiate Christ and simply love others, not for applause or recognition but because they are His.  
New friends to smile with and laugh with and be grateful for--
New mommy expecting her new fourth baby, extending her hands to me asking in her heavy accent if I will be her new friend.
"Yes, I would love too."
"And them? I want them to be my new friends too, please" as she points to my best friends who I once was pregnant with and praying for before I ever knew their faces, my all grown up daughters,
"Yes, and of course," I reply, "they would love to be your new friends too."

Thankful for Friends of God and Friends of mine, everywhere. 

"A friend loveth at all times..."

Friday, April 10, 2015


Not in my nationality 
Not in my race
Not in my culture
Not in my ministry name
Not in my affiliations
Not in my age
Not in my appearance 
Not in my style
Not in my possessions 
Not in my performance
Not in my illness
Not in my dis ease
Not in my wellness, willingness or welfare
Not in the applause or scrutiny of others
Not in my family name
Not in my education
Not in my resume
Not in my mistakes
Not in my victories
Not in my marital status
Not in my abilities
Not in my challenges
Not in my birth
Not in my labor
Not in my parenting
Not in my job title
Not in my to do list
Not in my past
Not in my agenda
Not in my address
Not in my credit score
Not in my finances
Not in my real estate
Not in my gym membership
Not in my talents
Not in my yesterday's
Not in my tomorrows.

No, My Identity is found in Christ
God is not a respecter of persons. 

"Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it..."

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I got to attend my first birth here in Africa on Good Friday.
As I gathered with new friends and a Spirit Filled Family in a local private hospital, I couldn't help but wonder how the Lord put us all together.
It was as if we had known each other for a long time however it has only been weeks and most of the family I met that day.
There is something about birth that does that. You get to know people really quick in an intimate way that many don't experience in lifelong friendships or even among relatives. And, I'm not talking about the intimacy with the parents necessarily, but about the rest of the family who surrounds them.
I think that is just one of the many reasons why being a birth doula is so special to me. I love real relationships and you can't fake feelings when it has to do with birth!
There were tears of joy and prayers and hands held as hearts were trusting God and a beautiful baby entered into a loving family.
I heard testimonies of God's faithfulness during birth from other women and shared testimonies of Gods sovereignty and grace.
That part of this experience I will forever cherish and it felt just like the other births I've attended in the States. The new parts are unforgettable as well and I'll try and write a bit about here- briefly...
I traveled across my city in the dark to an unknown address by a private hire car, despite the terrorist threats permeating our city. That, is new.
I didn't have my doula partner Karen beside me who usually goes with me but I knew she would be praying without ceasing nine thousand miles away. Her prayers I can always count on but her being so far away I haven't gotten used too yet. That is new.

I traveled later to the hospital with daddy to be driving through streets unfamiliar to me and while at a stop light had my window rolled down with a homeless mother wearing her baby reaching into my car begging for help while mommy to be was laboring in back seat. I will never forget that. Too many emotions to describe, even still, days later. New feelings I can't adequately describe- impaled again with compassion and yes, that was new.

The hospital was quiet and I quickly smiled at everyone I met. Not because I was nervous but rather because I knew God was up to something beyond a birth of a baby- and I didn't know what it was- I think I do now, Maybe-
Maybe He wanted to show me that I'm His and 
Maybe He wanted to remind me that without a doubt I am supposed to be here (Africa) because pretty much everyone welcomed me and told me how glad they were I was there,
Maybe He wanted to stretch my faith because I didn't have internet (forgot my hot spot) and it was just me and Him, not me and my Rudy or me and my girls, just me and Him, 
Maybe He wanted to remind me that all the promises I share with others I am just beginning to learn in new, stronger ways,
Maybe He wanted to teach me again to speak softly, in love and without fear to generations of people who had soft hearts, His words, not mine,
Maybe He wanted my heart to be so overwhelmed at the sight of new parents trusting JESUS for their first baby or maybe, just maybe, He wanted a beautiful young lady to watch and listen throughout the afternoon to what He was doing through all of us believing in Him that she ended up recommitting her life to Christ right there in the waiting room.
He wanted His glory to be seen.
He wanted her to be His and He wanted to show me that He is able and always beckoning us towards Him, that being a doula is so much less about being beside and serving a mother and so much more about Him being by our side as we serve Him.
Yes, birth. 
As we say in the doula world, "a lot more than a baby comes out at birth."
When it was all over and my family arrived to pick me up in the dark of night beneath lightning skies, I told an auntie how grateful I was to be there with them on Good Friday. 
 And she smiled and again thanked me and said, "do you hear? Do you hear what everyone in the hospital is saying about you?"
"No, what are they saying?"
"They are calling you the Praying Mzungu!"

I've been called many things in many places by many people. 
But this, "the praying white person"  I'll take it- with a glad and sincere heart.

"And the Angels rejoice..."

Friday, April 3, 2015


To righteousness
To greater faith
To more love
To repentance
To fearless speaking
To worship

When you get an opportunity to minister in your calling 

How much money you make
How much sleep you get
How much it costs you
Doesn't matter.

Don't miss your calling.

"Be ready in season and out of season..."


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Seven weeks

Hard to put into words what I am seeing
Easy to pour out tears how I am feeling
Faith has grown.

He is working on me carefully
I am abiding in Him dangerously
Fear is gone.

Sleeping all night, finally
Awakening to new beginnings daily
Revival has come and 
It has begun in me.

"I will give you a new heart..."

Sunday, March 15, 2015


It's amazing how at forty five you can pack twenty three years of marriage into three suitcases in two weeks and then move suddenly nine thousand miles away from everything familiar and after four weeks of living out of a single carryon you wonder why on earth did I pack so many "things?"

These past six weeks from when we heard of our deployment I made a quick decision to share everything and give the rest away. My husband was on the East Coast for one of the two weeks we had to pack on the West Coast. I, too, wondered for a moment what would happen to all of our stuff. I said no to selling everything or anything because I wanted to make our last days in America more about people and memories and less about organizing things for profit.
And I am so glad we did! (Insert hugs and kind words from friends I've known for decades but haven't seen in years)

It's sort of strange to me though when my inbox is still full of questions from the States asking me repeatedly what happened to my cars, home, clothes, food, dogs, everything. 
As if any of those things could possibly matter more than answering the call of God on our lives-? 
As if one day I will think any of those things mattered more than standing beside my husband as he goes into some of the places Angels fear to tread to protect the weak and proclaim the goodness and mercy of God?

The tone of the repeated questions is almost accusatory- and it's bothersome but I understand them at the same time and that's where I am learning grace- 

Because there are some people who can't believe ever leaving their homes, cars, family, friends, dogs, stuff for anyone or anything let alone for people who want to hurt you, kill you, or don't know you or will not pay you handsomely for it;

And because there are some people who are simply curious and are wondering how this all happened so fast and are praying for their one day to drop everything, pick up and go too;

And then there's just some people who don't hear from God themselves so this decision is simply ridiculous to them and they would never want to understand why we left the safety of Nor Cal to move to the danger in East Africa and the Middle East;

And, there's others who ask these same questions because they want to pray, support, help in anyway including driving a thousand miles with their five children to move multiple cars and scores of boxes of stuff out of the way so it doesn't hinder what the Lord wants to do with His people;

And, then there's opinions from everyone else who's in between those extremes.  And I'm hearing them. 
And it's all good. 
I think I keep getting these repeated questions though because my answers aren't acceptable to most ("God took care of everything") so I thought I could publicly answer some questions here, or at least try too.
Some will understand and some won't- but that's okay too, here goes...

When I first started serving God I had three young children. Now, I'm about to have three grandchildren. 
 I remember wondering how everything would continue to happen if I "did outreach" too...Like the little things which seemed a big deal to me--  laundry, cooking, cleaning, chores, errands, sports schedules, music schedules, holidays, anniversarys, birthdays, date nights, costco shopping, home groups, bible studies, all the stuff in my life, etc. 
I repented early and decided to not think that "doing outreach" was something I needed to "add" to my busy life but rather make "outreach" a daily way to live  and watch how everything else would fall into place. Take what was big in my life before I was born again and make it small and start surrendering to my Big God.
I quickly grew tired of the word "mission trip" and decided my life was either a great commission from God or it wasn't, and removed "mission trip" from my vocabulary. There was plenty of work to be done in my own city, neighborhood, country, home, relationships with my husband and family everyday to further Gods kingdom and so if I got the opportunity to serve wherever I was nearby at the moment (hospital, coffee shop, home, kitchen, backyard, skid row, projects, tenderloin, online, in a building, in the gutter, with many or with few), I was going to take it. And, if I "got" an airplane ticket to travel faraway then so be it. But it couldn't be a "someday" mission trip it had to be an "everyday" opportunity to live a full life as a Christian. 
Soon, we found ourselves as a family spending time distributing food, clothes, prayer, hope and preaching the gospel together. Our lives became less about "stuff" and more about worship and our focus changed. Our schedules changed. Our worship changed. Our relationships changed. Everything changed except our address. 
So now, after all these years it doesn't seem like a quick move to me but an advance to a greater territory to know Him and make Him known. God has prepared us for a time such as this. 

So, I guess this extraordinary move seems more ordinary to me than it would for others. If I could have fast forwarded in my mind what our first month being out of America and in Africa I honestly don't know if that would have made this an easier transition or not, because we are adapting, improvising and overcoming everyday. I have never been one to want to know what tomorrow brings- I like just "being" because none of us are promised tomorrow.

I messaged my closest friend who I ask questions too that are sometimes bothersome as well- and she shows me grace in so many ways- whenever we talk our conversations range from tears to laughter pretty much line by line... and I told her the other night that we had a puppy, food and three extra people living with us just not a house or beds yet and didn't know exactly how the finances would work out on paper. She wrote back something like "wouldn't expect anything different- sounds good and like the Gonzo way to me." 

Our dogs are happy back home (one is probably at his German shepherd play group as I type this and the other is probably sleeping on my bed planning his day around barking at the mailman) and our new shepherd is cuddling against my feet. Our home back in the States  is filled with Spirit Filled preachers who are reaching out to the broken, traded and lost and a new garden has been planted and there's undoubtedly worship music blasting, laughter and fresh food. Our home here was opened for worship last night with our hearts full as children, and new friends filled this empty space to share prayers and praise before the movers come with our new car from SP and those twelve suitcases the four of us packed full of our stuff from the States.

As soon as I see it, I'll have more answers for those still asking what I did with everything. But for now, I'm just grateful that you cared enough to ask.

"Seek first His kingdom..."

Thursday, March 12, 2015

A good thing

I know women who 
Submit too
Take care of
Speak kindly of
Pray for
Not distract
Not hinder
Not gossip about
Stand beside
Believe in
And grieve for
Their husbands. 

I also know women who
Choose not too.
And it's not because of abuse
Or a lack of Godly character that their husbands have-
No, it's their choice to

Quench their thirst for God
Be angry
Take authority over
Stay frustrated
Take for granted
Complain about
Cheat on
The one they were made to 
Help meet God.

Forgiveness is from God.
Nothing is hidden from Him.
"Times of refreshing will come..."

May we as wives be that good thing all the days of their lives. 


Monday, March 9, 2015

Take Away

Three weeks ago I woke up for the first time here in Uganda. 

For a glimpse into my day to day moving from the beautiful wine country in California to near Lake Victoria in Kampala be still for a moment and just for a moment imagine yourself here this morning- but first

Take away smooth streets and quiet neighborhoods
Take away stop signs and traffic lights and light posts across the city
Take away crosswalks and sidewalks
Take away houses with front yards exposed without razor wire or armed men
Take away curbs
Take away picket fences and dogs on leashes
Take away joggers and babies in strollers or car seats
Take away Safeway grocery stores or whole foods or fast food or Barnes and Noble
Take away freeways or vineyards
Take away costco or Starbucks or smartphones
Take away entering a parking lot, restaurant or store by walking or driving without having your purse, car or limbs searched by guards or mirrors placed under your car looking for explosives
Take away windows and doors glass or screen that open wide without bars
Take away not locking your front door, windows, your side door or your back doors while you're home during the day behind the compound gates with the guard
Take away cnn, Fox News, prime time, talk shows or sports
Take away a clothes dryer or a full size freezer or refrigerator 
Take away front loading washing machines or sleeping without a mosquito net
Take away worship music on the radio
Take away seeing blonde hair, brown hair or lighter skin everywhere
Take away the use of your iPhone 5 or 6
Take away cool nights or sleeping with cozy blankets
Take away water pressure or hot water in the kitchen
Take away a reliance on entertainment, transportation, power, large portions or a daily expected routine to fill your day
Take away pumping your own gas or dishwashers to do your dishes 
Take away most of the things that you are spending your time on from sun up til sun down- everyday, day in and day out
Take away the ordinary freedoms you have ladies, like walking by yourself anywhere at any time, wearing shorts or driving somewhere, anywhere at any time at your leisure
Take away the pride, entitlement, safety and access to whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want- that's right- maybe you can't afford it but in the loose definition of access or opportunity---take all of it away

And surrender. 

Because, JESUS is with you in America just like He is with me in Africa. 
And He really is all we need. 

I think I'm finally beginning to get insight of how the world actually lives.

"His grace is sufficent." 
"My heart is steadfast."

Friday, March 6, 2015

Taxi Ride Tonight

Children stopping 
to stare at us while we were waiting for our taxi

Children laughing 
dressed in school uniforms past dinner time walking downtown in and out of bodas screeching down the crowded streets

Children holding
Naked babies outside the street market place 

Children playing 
Futbol on a dirt field intensely without shoes 

Children standing
In the sewer ditches, smiling

Children greeting
Us with a handshake and a curtsy when we arrived back to our guest house

My now adult children helping me once again to see past the extraordinary circumstances I'm not used too seeing everyday by smiling through it all and 

Offering children
The love of Christ and homemade cookies. 

"Let the little children come to me..."
"Whosoever offers these little ones a cup of water in my name..."

JESUS loves
The little children, all around the world
And so do I.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015



Reminded of these promises of God this morning:
Be reconciled to God so that we may be ministers of reconciliation.  Because our love fails people but His does not.

We are saved by grace but we will be rewarded by our works. So let them so shine before men that they would not be buried, hidden or on the other extreme done for the applause of others. 

We were bought with a price. So let's live our lives as a holy, acceptable sacrifice as well, that it would be pleasing to Him. Let's not allow poisons or self mutilations spiritually, physically, mentally to overtake what He has fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. 

"Let God be true..."

Monday, March 2, 2015


So much I have taken for granted of back home in America where I had 
Easy Access to

Clean Water
Safe Shelter
Constant Power
Urgent Care
Light Traffic
Reliable Internet
Close Friends
Available Transportation
Fast Food 
Art Supplies
Tech Equipment
Paved Roads
Home Deliveries
Instant Service
Large Refrigerators
Clothes Dryers
Bestselling Books
Current News
Underwear, Clothes
Emergency Services.

Easy Access.

Did it hinder me?
Did it bless me?
Did it distract me?
Did it help me?
I think I can say YES and NO to every question and 
I think I can still miss America and still be thankful I'm now in Africa--
Because I'm learning newness in little things and big things without having Easy Access and 
Because with JESUS there is no room for a Hard Heart. 

"Seek first HIS kingdom and all things will be added..." 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Market Club

"Will you support me?"
Asked by a middle aged woman sitting on the ground under a torn marketplace shelter weaving simple, bright colors into expertly designed patterns. 

Our first "Market Club" today was  remarkable.  I was standing getting ready to burst into tears at any second over what I was seeing and for a moment I had wandered away from my group when it happened. 
A large number of women sitting amongst themselves not gossiping, not complaining, not on their smart phones, not full of makeup, not even standing, not drinking coffee, not on the Internet, just sitting on the hard ground among the thousands of handmade crafts. 
Beads, utensils, dresses, purses, hair ties, linens, statues, bowls, drums, rugs, jewelry, presents, all represented in the pearl of Africa, with the native ladies sitting in rows among the rows and rows of treasures. 
I had walked between the back rows not down the aisles where most shoppers and sellers would bargain,  carefully trying not to fall or step on anything I shouldn't.  

And there we were.
Both of us, same age, same build,   looking into each other's eyes, smiling at each other. 
She was sitting among rows of other women, dutifully working in the African hot, mid day heat, quietly, diligently, smiling. 

We met each other somehow, someway- God orchestrated it. God ordained it. 
We exchanged smiles. We even laughed. We were worlds apart just a week ago.
And now, there we were. 
It was almost as if both of us had forgotten why we were both there. For a brief moment, it was just as if we had planned on meeting after all these years and were old friends, reunited with a smile. 

After we exchanged our universal greeting our tiny, silent moment ended abruptly by another seller who rushed over to me and  said "how many?"
My glance shifted as I dug for my coin purse and pulled out however many shillings my fingers touched first. 

Suddenly my new friend and I recognized why we were supposed to be there- to buy and sell. And because I had wandered away from my group and was alone I realized I'd better snap back to reality and close my bag and either purchase something or keep walking. 

I quietly said "two" and didn't even know what I had bought (!) until we got back to our guest house and I looked inside my bag hours later.  But that didn't really matter. 

When I took her  basket with my right hand, her left side became exposed and the scars riddled her skin from her beautiful  face to her hard working fingertips and she smiled delightfully, saying, 
"Thank you for supporting me, Madame."

God allowed her, her smile, her gesture and her words to tug at my already full heart. Many people since I was a little girl have told me that my smile is contagious- even my Papa (grandfather) would speak that over me since before I can remember. I never really understood that. I think I may now.
 Her smile I won't ever forget. 

2 table linens. 
1 basket.
Twenty thousand Shillings.
God's hand. 

"Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.."

Monday, February 23, 2015

Deny self

That's the scripture I shared early morning today in our ladies group. 
I thought about how this scripture has helped me over the years and challenges me today.
Deny self meant early on that I needed to get rid of distractions and hindrances holding me back, causing complacency and excuses in my life- I had too

Turn from idols ( following lives of celebrities)
Turn from vanity (thinking I needed makeup everyday)
Turn from false Gods (watching sports 24/7)
Turn from fear (about today)
Turn from worry (about tomorrow)
Turn from guilt (about yesterday)
Turn from greed (read about Ananias and his wife)
Turn from sadness to joy everlasting
Turn from sin to mercy
Turn from these things of this world and being held captive by traditions and learn how to 
Love God
Trust God
Hear God
Talk to God
Find my identity in Him.
In and of themselves those things don't hold everyone back from surrendering to God but they did me. Fortunately, I can now enjoy some of things that held me captive for a long time without being a slave to them... and yes, I even own makeup again, but I have no idea where it is :)

So, it started small for me- denying self of little things without having anyone to disciple me; I just began acknowledging for myself that  I needed God more than the things I was surrounding myself with. 

And deny self continues to cut to my heart as my understanding of what JESUS said grows:

24Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25For whoever wants to save their lifef will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 27For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.

Now outside of America, I'm learning how to deny self of
Freedoms I took for granted back in the States
My pride and enitlement to anything attitude
Ordinary things relying on power, water, Internet, food I'm used too and had access too have become 
Extraordinary things. 

As I read this living, active Word- it helps me to recognize how God is shaping and molding me- and how far I've come and how far I have yet to go while 
"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.."

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Arms raised in worship.
Armed men on the corners.
Arms reaching out with mercy.
Armed guards at my gate.
Armor of God preached.
Armor of God on.
Arms holding tight as we drive through the city.
Arms holding babies.
Arms open wide. 

Come Lord Jesus! 

"His arms are not shortened that we cannot be saved..."

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Morning from Africa

Muslim call to prayer echoing nearby
Mosquito net couldn't stop the 
splashed water on 
My face from rain storm
Mighty thunder and lightning
Monkey sounds and monkey watch
Merry heart. 

No power
No sleep
Resting in God the AlMIGHTY! 

"A merry heart does good..."

Be content.

Be ready in and out of season.
Be still and know that I am God. 
Be careful for nothing. 
Be free from sin.
Be alert unto prayer.
Be kind to one another. 
Be forgiven.
Be humble.
Be near to God.
Be strong in grace.
Be courageous.
Be healed.
Be filled.
Be led.

Be mindful of Gods promises that are true, noble, praiseworthy and perfect. 

"Be holy as I am holy." ~ JESUS

 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

HIS name is JESUS

Twelve runs to giveaway twenty three years of 
Household goods to goodwill.

Seven garbage dump runs by 
Helpers ready to help in anyway

Friends driving a thousand miles round trip to send us off and get our suitcases and 
Home packed

Greeted off the plane at midnight with 
Homemade muffins 

Woke up to the biggest smile from a beautiful Ugandan woman who serves JESUS at the guesthouse as a 
Housemaid saying, "Welcome to Samaritans Purse Uganda! We are 
Happy to have you here" with a big Hug.

Coffee this morning with the wives of the SP Team who are in country who love their
Husbands and serve with their children

Instant Facebook messages from old friends we hadn't heard from in years taking time to write today saying thank you for 
"Helping in our times of need"

And an inbox message from new friends we have never met saying we are 
"Here to Help you! When can we see you?!'

It's been quite a first day in Africa.
Being on the other side of the world
Being on the other side of 
Hospitality, Help and Hugs.

Heart Full.

"And they showed us remarkable kindness..." 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I keep getting asked, "Lori, what are YOU going to do there (in Africa)?"

I don't keep a calendar but I do keep a daily to do list that's chalkboard painted in my kitchen on my ironing board in the USA it reads:

Daily to do list:
Rejoice evermore
Pray without ceasing
In everything give thanks
Quench not the Spirit
Despise not prophesyings
Prove all things
Holdfast that which is good
Abstain from all appearance of evil

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly;
and I pray God your whole spirit and soul be blameless
unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

So, I think I will keep this daily to do list.
Lots of things are changing but some things will remain the same.


Friday, February 6, 2015

We are getting closer to going faraway
We are giving away "things" and keeping people close to heart
We are learning patience with questions and teaching CHRIST as the answer
We are in one accord and rebuking discord
We are walking by faith and running towards the unknown
Not looking back
Not looking to either side
Not looking for applause
Simply victorious
Simply loved
Simply abiding in JESUS

There's no place we would rather be.

"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."  ~ Jesus

Friday, January 30, 2015

Some laughter
Some prayers
Some silence
Some tears

Some smiles
Some work
Some packing
Some heart pulls

Some coffee
Some worship
Some meals
Some hardship

Some throw aways
Some give aways
Some new beginnings
Some old memories

Some new friends saying hello
Some old friends saying goodbye
Some days left at home
Some days until we go

We serve
Some big GOD
Who is turning this all into

Something Beautiful.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Lots of questions from people...
when do you go and when do you return?
what are you packing?
how is this going to work with your ministry?
where are you going to be living?
why Africa?
who is going with you?
what about your house? your dogs? your jobs? your cars?

And then there comes the prayer warriors.
The ones who take time to simply say,
HOORAY on a fb status
WE LOVE YOU and APPRECIATE YOU in a handwritten card
I WILL MISS YOU on a love note left on our front door
BE SAFE with MUCH LOVE in a fb message
I WILL MISS YOU in a text

Thank you for all of your concerns~ those who need answers and those who simply edify.  To all of you, here's my response:

Thou has put gladness in my heart.
Do not be anxious.
His grace is sufficient.
Don't worry about tomorrow.
We make plans, God orders our steps.
You will know them by their love for one another.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

One day a boy met a girl.
And he ran before the school bell rang and handed her a bouquet of beautiful hand cut roses wrapped in tin foil.  And she smiled.
And he went to war in the Middle East and she went to college on the East Coast.
And she saw his picture in a newspaper so she wrote him a letter and he got it in the middle of the desert and he wrote her back.  And he smiled.
And months passed and they faced their battles and both survived.
And one day before he was to return to a faraway land he came home and rescued her.
And she got her smile back.
And he brought her to San Francisco to a beautiful spot and extended his hand and asked for her heart. And she smiled.
And they met at the altar at high noon before God and their families and got married.
And she got the first twenty years of marriage with a home sweet home, three babies and german shepherds.
And as their family grew they learned how much God loved them and they learned how to love one another.
And now, it's the second twenty years of marriage, his twenty.
And they are still learning about God's love and still in love, still smiling at each other.
And one day, a prayer they had been praying for eleven years came true.
And this is when their story begins...

We are moving to Kampala, Uganda, Africa.

"Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations..."
Psalm 2:8